Sunriver + Beavercreek + ER
Looking back a week later last weekend was nothing but a big blur of activity! It started out at the studio for the Beavercreek Open Studios Tour beginning on Friday. Then that afternoon a scenic three hour drive over the Cascades mountain pass to beautiful Sunriver for a two night stay and the WSO Convention. There I made a presentation to a room full of eager artists on how to sell their artwork online (book coming soon :). Then early Sunday morning back home in time for the Sunday portion of the Open Studio. Oh and then somewhere in between all of this we ended in the ER with Zippy!
Zippy is all better now, but he was a very sick puppy for a few days with an infection in his sinuses and a very swollen eyeball.
Thank you so much to all the lovely people that took time to stop by our studio and to all who signed up for the Online Selling Workshop in Sunriver. And especially you guys who held down the fort during the open studio, I couldn't have done it without you...

With my friends at the WSO Convention, Cindy Briggs and Kara PilcherCindy Briggs lives in Central Oregon next to Sunriver where she teaches painting, has co authored a book and does guided painting tours to Europe.
My friend Kara doesn't have a website yet but that doesn't keep her from winning awards with her beautiful patterned dancing ladies paintings. Not pictured are my other two convention housemates and friends Ruth Armitage and Linda Rothchild Ollis.
Cindy Brigg's sweet little Bella..You can see her studio in the background.
Beautiful view of Cascade Mountains from Cindy's deck where I stayed. Trust me photo doesn't do justice.Sunriver at sunset. All photos taken with my little ole smartphone.