Growing a Cut Flower Garden Can Be Fun

Growing a cut flower garden in your back yard is a great way to fill your life with happiness and inspiration. Each year we grow flowers to bring inside, give as gifts and share with our community by way of a roadside flower stand.

Fall has arrived and leaves are covering the ground. This morning while sipping my coffee I looked out my window at the last of this season's crop of flowers melting away in the rain. Then I realized a whole summer has quickly slipped away and I haven't even blogged about this year's garden. So this blog is dedicated to the cut flower garden right outside the studio.

Blenda Studio Cut Flower Garden

Blenda Studio Cut Flower Garden

This photo was taken early one summer morning when the flowers were just beginning to bloom.

When I'm working in the studio and need a break from my latest painting project, the best way I know to clear my mind and to gather a new perspective, is to take a break, head out to the garden and pull a few weeds or dig in the dirt.

Blenda Studio Flower Garden

Blenda Studio Flower Garden

Summer came and went then finally one day I stooped down to see the dew drops on the dahlias and marveled at nature's beauty. What took me so long, you ask? Well I had "things" to do! Don't make the same mistake I did, stop to smell the flowers. Don't let another day go by...take time to be present.

Blenda Studio Cut Flower Garden

Blenda Studio Cut Flower Garden

Cisco loves to keep a close eye on the garden, just in case we might be pulling weeds to toss his way.

Blenda Studio Coneflowers

Blenda Studio Coneflowers

Coneflowers grow like crazy in a bed next to the house.

Blenda Studio Cosmos

Blenda Studio Cosmos

The last of the cosmos fading away in the rain.....I'll miss you lovely flowers!

Blenda Studio Zinnia

Blenda Studio Zinnia

Colorful zinnias so awesome and fun to grow. They keep on blooming right up to the first freeze. To see more photos of the garden click Cut Flowers .

If you want to learn more about growing your own backyard cut flowers, Floret Flowers Website is a great place to go for guidance and inspiration.

Next blog I will show you some of the arrangements and bouquets we made over the summer. Also, on Friday I will have new original paintings added to the shop.

What kind of flowers do you grow in your garden?